
Friday, November 18, 2011

女排职业队员月薪普遍2000元 远不及外援收入

女排职业队员月薪普遍2000元 远不及外援收入 周五,中国女排以3:0完胜德国队第一时间拿到明年伦敦奥运会的门票,令中国女排再次成为三大球的"救命稻草","女排精神"也再一次唤起了球迷对国家队的热爱。然而,新奥运周期重新组建的这支年轻的中国女排,在本次世界 ... 女排职业队员月薪普遍2000元 远不及外援收入

Fans de Karina vs Miranda

Fans de Karina vs Miranda En la tarde del viernes, Paola Miranda se juntó en el piso de Infama con otros artistas de la bailanta, entre ellos el grupo "Champions Liga". Un leve cruce de la morocha con los presentes desató una especie de duelo en el que Miranda canto, a capella, ... Fans de Karina vs Miranda

رئيس وزراء ليبيا: سيف الاسلام القذافي سيلقى محاكمة عادلة

رئيس وزراء ليبيا: سيف الاسلام القذافي سيلقى محاكمة عادلة القاهرة (رويترز) - أعلن رئيس وزراء ليبيا المكلف عبد الرحيم الكيب رسميا القبض على سيف الاسلام القذافي يوم السبت ووصف ذلك بأنه "تتويج لتضحيات" الثورة. ووعد الكيب بمحاكمة عادلة لسيف الاسلام الذي اعتقل في الصحراء بجنوب البلاد. ووسط تكبير الحضور قال الكيب ... رئيس وزراء ليبيا: سيف الاسلام القذافي سيلقى محاكمة عادلة

Three killed in huge 52-vehicle crash on the German autobahn in thick fog

Three killed in huge 52-vehicle crash on the German autobahn in thick fog By Daily Mail Reporter Three people were killed and 35 injured in a massive pile-up collision on a fog-covered highway in western Germany, police said. The crash involved 52 vehicles and occurred on Friday night near the city of Muenster after fog ... Three killed in huge 52-vehicle crash on the German autobahn in thick fog

Hijackers take two boats, hostages, off Nigeria - sources

Hijackers take two boats, hostages, off Nigeria - sources ABUJA (Reuters) - Gunmen boarded two fishing vessels just off the coast of Nigeria and took two people hostage, security sources said on Saturday, the latest in a series of hijackings in the waters around Africa's largest oil business. ... Hijackers take two boats, hostages, off Nigeria - sources

BCCI should probe Kambli's match-fixing claims: Maken

BCCI should probe Kambli's match-fixing claims: MakenBCCI should probe Kambli's match-fixing claims: Maken Vinod Kambli has created a furore by claiming something was 'amiss' in India's loss in 1996 World Cup semis. Sports Minister Ajay Maken wants the match-fixing claims made by former cricketer Vinod Kambli investigated by the BCCI and says his Ministry ... BCCI should probe Kambli's match-fixing claims: Maken

Assalto in oreficeria a Novara, gravissima negoziante

Assalto in oreficeria a Novara, gravissima negozianteAssalto in oreficeria a Novara, gravissima negoziante I medici temono per la sua vita. I soccorritori l'hanno trovata in una pozza di sangue. Sarebbe stata la commerciante, mentre cadeva sotto i colpi degli aggressori, a dare l'allarme Novara, 18 novembre 2011 - La proprietaria di una negozio ... Assalto in oreficeria a Novara, gravissima negoziante

NBA球星布鲁克斯加盟宏远 美媒爆年薪200万美元

NBA球星布鲁克斯加盟宏远 美媒爆年薪200万美元 国内球迷对作为姚明队友的布鲁克斯相当熟悉,因此他的加盟无疑将增加宏远队的人气。 信息时报讯(记者冯爱军) CBA卫冕总冠军宏远队昨天正式宣布,已经与前NBA火箭队球星、上赛季效力于太阳队的布鲁克斯签约。预计布鲁 ... NBA球星布鲁克斯加盟宏远 美媒爆年薪200万美元

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